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Create a Creature Activity: (Tagalog Numbers, Colors, and Clothes Review)

Imagine you met an unusual, unique, and special creature. What did it look like? What was it wearing? In this activity, you will be creating a creature! Let your imagination soar. Think about what its name would be, how many eyes, ears, arms, legs does it have? What color is it?

The “My Creature” printable is a great way to review:

If you have not yet encountered those lessons and activities, be sure to also check them out to build your vocabulary. (Click on each of the concepts above to go to each post).

The downloadable printable includes two versions depending on how much writing your child can do. Get the printable in our Free Tagalog Printables Resource library. Click here to login OR sign up here to subscribe for free.

Feel free to also take the creature “beyond the page” and build the creature using other craft supplies such as construction paper, clay, paint, playdough, Playfoam, popsicle sticks, googly eyes. Here is an example below.

Happy creature designing!

Taglish Postcard Activity

Taglish Postcard

In this activity, you will be writing a postcard to a family or friend, pretending you are taking a vacation somewhere you have been (or would like to go). The introductory page teaches you sample Tagalog phrases to include in your postcard message. There are two versions included (One with pre-typed fill-in-the blank sentences and another with just a blank message for you to write your whole letter). 

First, download the Taglish postcard from our Free Tagalog Printables Resource library. Click here to login OR sign up here to subscribe for free.

Directions to Assemble the Postcard:

After reviewing the Introductory pages and Tagalog phrases, choose which type of postcard you will create first (whether it’s the blank one or the one with a pre-typed message). Cut out both rectangles.

Glue the back of the picture portion of the postcard to the back of the letter portion.

Now you have your postcard ready to write in and draw a beautiful picture of the location where you have “traveled”!

Tagalog Travel Activity: My “Maleta” (Suitcase)

It’s summertime and many people are traveling and going on vacation. What a perfect time to learn Tagalog words all about traveling.

Activity: My “Maleta” (Suitcase)

This first activity teaches you the vocabulary words for items you possibly would pack in your suitcase. Here is a four-page printable for your child to learn the names of common items to pack, a suitcase to “pack” these items in, and two packing lists (one with English translation and the other is Tagalog only).

First, the child will decorate his/her suitcase (or “maleta” in Tagalog).

The next step is to color the items and cut them out. Review the English and Tagalog words for the travel supplies.

One by one, the travel supply will be placed in the suitcase and a dry erase marker can be used to check it off on the list. Once the child is comfortable, the Tagalog only Packing List can be used.

It can be printed on regular 8.5″ x 11″ paper. It will be more durable on cardstock or if the papers will be laminated. For repeated use, the packing lists can be slipped into one of these reusable dry-erase pocket sleeves.

Ready to take off with a fun activity to learn travel supplies in Tagalog?

Get your printable Maleta/Suitcase activity in our Free Tagalog Printables Resource library. Click here to login OR sign up here to subscribe for free.

Flag of the Philippines Activity

Learn about the flag of the Philippines with this craft. This two-page printable has basic facts about the meaning of the colors and symbols of the flag. It includes a Philippine flag craft for the child to color, cut, and paste.

Get your printable Philippine flag activity in our Free Tagalog Printables Resource library. Click here to login OR sign up here to subscribe for free.

Read more about the story behind the Philippines flag with these sources:

Learn About the Jeepney

Did you know that the jeepney is one of the most popular forms of public transportation in the Philippines? Learn more about it with this interactive printable.

In the “Jeepney Trail of Facts” activity, you will be taking a “drive” through a winding path in the Philippines and will be learning facts about the jeepney along the way. 

First, you will need to access the printable in our Free Tagalog Printables Resource library. Click here to login OR sign up here to subscribe for free.

Next, cut out the jeepney.

Then, cut out the “trail.”

Next, get a craft stick and tape.

Stick the picture of the jeepney to the craft stick (with tape or glue).

Finally, take your jeepney for a drive through the path and read the facts along the route.

We hope this has helped you learn a bit more about Filipino culture and public transportation.

(photo credit: myelitedetail.us) 

For a bonus activity, download and enjoy coloring the Jeepney Coloring Page here (from Coloringpagesforfree.net)

valentine's tagalog card

Valentine’s Day Tagalog Cards & Activities

It’s February! There are several celebrations this month. One of the main holidays associated with February is Valentine’s Day on February 14. Following this holiday on February 17 is National Random Acts of Kindness Day. So, this month we are focusing on love and kindness.

One way to show someone you love them is to say, “I love you” or “mahal kita” in Tagalog. To say, “I love you very much” in Tagalog, you would say, “mahal na mahal kita.”

In honor of these celebrations, we have created a Tagalog/English Valentine’s card for your kids or you to share with someone special.

valentine's tagalog card

There are four different creatures included in the printable to choose from: a penguin, giraffe, turtle, and dinosaur.

tagalog valentine's card styles

There is space to write a thoughtful message and an area to draw a picture to show the recipient how much you care about him/her.

(A helpful hint for printing is to print on cardstock so it is durable OR if printing on printer paper, print the cover and inside on separate papers instead of double-sided. Then glue the two pages together to add thickness. This prevents the picture on the back being seen through the thin page). 

Download printable Tagalog English Valentine’s cards 

To proudly commemorate this month, in addition to making someone a card, think of some kind deeds you can do for others around you.

Here are some ideas we came up with to inspire you:

acts of kindness

To our Fil-Am Learners’ community, we wish you much love and kindness this month!

Share your love with our community and feel free to post images of your finished cards on social media or comment with kind acts you’ve done for others.

Showing Respect in the Filipino Culture

Respect is a very important part of Filipino culture. We show respect to our elders, parents, grandparents, older siblings, relatives, friends, and teachers. Some examples of respect are:

  • Addressing elders with “po” at the end of sentences
  • Answering, “opo” to reply “yes” respectfully
  • Calling your older sister, “Ate” or your older brother, “Kuya.”
  • Listening respectfully to your parents and teachers
  • Using “mano po” to request for blessings from your elder relatives

We read the book, Salamat Po! by Adriana Allen, a Filipina who moved to the U.S. as a young child. It is an adorable picture book showing many ways to show respect in the Filipino culture.

It is a great overview to teach children or to reflect on and discuss ways we show our respect to others.

Showing Respect Activity

We were inspired by the book and wanted to create a follow-up activity to pair with our reading. So, we created a printable booklet for children to illustrate ways they show respect or ways they can show respect. It is a nice culminating activity to reinforce what was read in the story.

Although Salamat Po! is not required for this activity, it is the perfect pairing and a sweet book to read with your children.

What are some ways YOU show respect in your family? Feel free to share in the comment box below!